For immediate press release The Ms. International Top Modeling Pageant Charm School directed by Irma Salinas de Gutierrez is now accepting applications for a three months (30 hours) etiquette/modeling classes. The scheduled etiquette/modeling classes begins September 27, 2016 and it will cover speaking ability ,walking, posture, poise, modeling and presentation. Female applicants between the ages of five through twenty-five (5-25) may pick up application at the ITMP charm school studio Monday-Friday from 5:00pm-7:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm or email Gutierrez at [email protected]. The ITMP charm school studio is located at 3403 South Flores, San Antonio, Texas . ITMP charm school classes will conducted it's etiquette/modeling classes every Tuesday's, Thursday and Saturday. The classes will conclude with a Fashion Show Recital scheduled December 3, 2016. Tuition is $150.00 with a $50.00 registration fee. Schedule: Tuesdays & Thursdays Years Time 10-15 5-7 p.m. 16-25 7-9 p.m. Saturdays Years Time 5-9 10:00am-12:00pm Please call 210-815-0018 or email [email protected] for more information. Irma Salinas de Gutierrez was born and raised in Laredo, Texas and is a J.W. Nixon high school graduate. Gutierrez is a former professional model who founded and directed the Ms. International Top Model pageant in Laredo, Texas (1985-1999). Gutierrez produced and choreographed pageants in Houston, Austin, Brownsville, Mc Allen and Laredo in the United States and Puebla, Monterey, Matamoros, Reynosa and Nuevo Laredo in Mexico. Gutierrez education includes: AA degree in Multimedia, Bachelor degree in Family Relations from Texas A&M Kingsville, two Master degrees; Bilingual Education and Special Education from Texas A&M in San Antonio. For more information please call 210-815-0018 or email [email protected]
Efrain Gutierrez Taller is proud to present A Voodoo Experience: A New Orleans Collaboration featuring fashion extraordinaire Erica Reyna with La Santa Luna Boutique, emerging photographers Gina A Sandoval-Garcia, Mary Rodriguez, Vanessa Velazquez, San Antonio's top model's Jacqui Corona, Rebecca Lynne, Esmie Vidales, Sarcelle Elise, Bella Robledo and MUA Roberta Rodriguez with Creeping Beauty. A few months ago this dream team of artists and models went to New Orleans and created magic!! The final product will be revealed to the public September 24th along with a La Santa Luna Boutique Fashion Show and special performances by Skeleton Creek and Saterra Rene!!
Admission is free for this event. September 24, 2016 Efrain Gutierrez Taller 3403 South Flores St. San Antonio, Texas 78204 8:00pm - 11:00am |
August 2019
Efrain-Abran Gutierrez Jr.Just keeping you updated here @ Efrain Gutierrez |